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9. Međunarodna naučna konferencija 


26. oktobar 2017, Beograd, Srbija

u organizaciji

Instituta ekonomskih nauka, Beograd
Ekonomskog fakulteta, Niš

U partnerstvu sa 

O konferenciji

Dragi gosti i učesnici,

S ponosom objavljujemo da je 9. Međunarodna naučna konferencija "SUSTAINABLE GROWTH IN SMALL OPEN ECONOMIES" završena.

Ovogodišnji cilj da okupi akademsku zajednicu, predstavnike privrede i kreatore politike, i podstakne diskusiju o održivom rastu je ostvaren. Institut ekonomskih nauka je udružio napore sa Ekonomskim fakultetom iz Niša i okupio 153 autora iz 11 zemalja sa 75 apstrakata. Svi pristigli apstrakti prošli su proces recenziranja i konačno su objavljeni u Knjizi apstrakata.

Tri izuzetna keynote govornika su govorila o različitim aktuelnim i zvučnim temama.

  • Viola Larionova, Ural Federal University, Yekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk region, Russia;
  • Dubravka Jurlina-Alibegović, Institute of Economics - Zagreb, Croatia; i
  • Igor Mladenović, University of Niš, Faculty of Economics, Serbia.

Prezentacije predstavljene na sesijama odnosile su se na pitanja tri teme koje čine osnovu za održivi rast. Događaj je bio podeljen u tri sesije: Green Growth and the Environment: Ecological Pillar; Green Economy and Vulnerability of Economic Growth: Economic Pillar; i Social Challenges of Unequal Growth: Social Pillar. Tokom sesija vodila se dinamična i živa diskusija. Za više detalja, molimo pogledajte Agendu.

Zahvaljujemo se svima koji su putovali blizu i daleko da bi doprineli uspehu konferencije. Iako je naša 9. godišnja konferencija završena, sigurni smo da je ovo samo početak "ozelenjavanja" vaših misli, istraživanja i akcija. Detaljnije >>>

Keynote govornici



  • Sustainable production and consumption
  • Increasing energy efficiency and renewable energy use
  • Environmental certification and labelling
  • Sustainable development and ecological responsibility
  • Environmental quality and economic growth and development


  • Corporate responsibility and sustainable development
  • Sustainable finance and banking
  • Green entrepreneurship, management and marketing
  • Sustainable urban and rural development
  • Science, technology, innovations and sustainable development


  • Income inequality and poverty reduction
  • Sustainable employment and labor market
  • Social protection and pension funds
  • Demographic trends and sustainable demographic dynamics
  • Education and culture for sustainable development

Raspored događaja

  • 9:00-9:30

    Registracija učesnika

  • 9:30-9:45

    Uvodna obraćanja - Sala A1

    1. Jovan Zubović - direktor, Institute of Economic Sciences, Belgrade
    2. Olja Munitlak-Ivanović - predsednik Organizacionog odbora
  • 9:45-11:00

    Plenarna sesija - Sala A1

    1. Viola Larionova - Ural Federal University, Yekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk region, Russia
    2. Dubravka Jurlina Alibegović - Institute of Economics - Zagreb, Croatia
    3. Igor Mladenović - University of Niš, Faculty of Economics in Niš, Serbia
  • 11:00-11:30

    Pauza za kafu

  • 11:30-14:00

    Sala S1, S2, S3 - Paralelne sesije

  • 11:30-14:00

    SESIJA I - Green Growth and the Environment: Ecological Pillar
    SALA S3 (treći sprat)

    Moderator: Olja Munitlak-Ivanović, Institute of Economic Sciences, Serbia

    1. Solving the Problems of Rural as Environmentally Desirable Segment of Sustainable Development
      Vladan Joldžić, Ana Batrićević, Vera Stanković, Nikola Paunović
    2. Small enterprises and the development of eco-tourism as an opportunity for achieving sustainable economic development - the case of the Republic of Macedonia
      Marija Magdincheva-Sopova, Kiril Postolov, Dejan Metojieski, Risto Elenov
    3. Sustainable Development of Local Communities: Ecologically (Ir)responsible Approach
      Vladan Joldžić, Ana Batrićević, Vera Stanković, Nikola Paunović
    4. Waste electrical & electronic equipment recycling: socioeconomic and institutional challenges for sustainable growth in Serbia
      Mladen Krstić, Ksenija Denčić-Mihajlov
    5. Impacts of sustainability and corporate social responsibility reporting
      Vladimir Ristanović, Aleksandra Tosović-Stevanović, Tijana Koprivica
    6. Fifty shades of green - what pales the final colour of green solutions?
      Andrea Szalavetz
    7. Ecological and economic importance of mulching within the urban areas of large cities of Republic of Serbia
      Slobodan Popović, Slobodanka Jovin
    8. The Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change - a case study for ecological responsibility
      Slobodan Rakić
    9. Possibilities for improving ecoefficiency and gross rebound effect: A case study for BSEC member states
      Snežana Radukić, Dušan Perović
    10. Interdependence between environmental quality and economic aspects of sustainable tourism development in transition countries
      Jelena Petrović, Snežana Milićević
    11. Environmental tax and competitiveness of European countries through the lens of Porter hypothesis
      Vladimir Nedić, Slobodan Cvetanović, Danijela Despotović
    12. Economic policy responces to climate change
      Petar Mitić, Slobodan Cvetanović
    13. Circular economy model as a result of the implementation of sustainable development
      Olja Munitak-Ivanović
  • 11:30-14:00

    SESIJA II - Green Growth and Vulnerability: Economic Pillar
    SALA S2 (drugi sprat)

    Moderator: Isidora Ljumović, Institute of Economic Sciences, Serbia

    1. Reconceptualisation and strategic adoption of sustainable development: Serbian case - yesterday, today and tomorow
      Petar Đukić
    2. Information, consumerism and sustainable fashion
      Mirela Holy
    3. The impact of strengthening and hampering innovation factors on firm's performance - a comparative analysis of EU and non-EU countries
      Nertila Busho, Bledni Gerdoci, Alejda Doda
    4. Achieving sustainable development - the role of green marketing
      Ivana Domazet, Milica Kovačević
    5. Green supply chain management practices in the Republic of Macedonia
      Lidija Pulevska-Ivanovska
    6. Assessment of economic efficiency of acceptance of administrative decisions in the field of an urban ecology
      Kseniia Lapshina, Natalia Bakaeva, Olga Sotnikova
    7. An inquiry into the competitiveness-resilient growth nexus
      Srđan Marinković, Marija Džunić, Nataša Golubović
    8. Ecological footprint tax for the development of local agribusiness
      Somai Miklós
    9. Management and promotion of environmental opportunities in enterprises as a driving force for sustainable economic development
      Marija Magdincheva-Sopova, Kiril Postolov, Dejan Metojieski, Risto Elenov
    10. New jobs in European economies - sustainable development policy perspective
      Marina Savković, Nataša Stanišić, Nikica Radović
    11. Investments in Sustainable Transport as a Green Economy Driver - Case Study Boka Bay
      Slađana Lazarević, Saša Popović
    12. The Production of Industrial Minerals and Rocks in Serbia-An Econometric Investigation
      Vladimir Andrić, Jelena Minović, Ljubiša Andrić
    13. Illiquidity risk of polluting enterprises in Serbia
      Slavica Stevanović, Grozdana Marinković
    14. The implications of the implementation of the BPM concept on business performance of insurance companies
      Željko Vojinović, Dejan Đukić
    15. Organic product labelling: Consumer attitudes and impact on purching decision
      Ivana Lečovski, Isidora Ljumović
  • 11:30 - 14:00

    SESIJA III - Social Challenges of Unequal Growth: Social Pillar
    SALA S1 (prvi sprat)

    Moderator: Aleksandra Bradić-Martinović, Institute of Economic Sciences, Serbia

    1. Ecological Education and Sustainable Development
      Mirjana Radojičić
    2. The effect of globalisation on labour markets with special regard to the EU
      Annamaria Artner
    3. Acceptance of innovation in the form of Internet media by consumers in the Republic of Serbia
      Karolina Perčić, Nenad Perić, Đuro Kutlača
    4. Migration, integration and entrepreneurship: insights from the Serbian experience
      Jelena Predojevic Despić, Vesna Lukić
    5. Sustainable Development and the Question of its Social Dimensions
      Vladan Joldžić, Ana Batrićević, Vera Stanković, Nikola Paunović
    6. Economics and morality – How to reconcile economic thinking and broader social thinking
      Aleksandar Fatić, Mrđan Mlađan
    7. Skills and sustainable employment in Serbia
      Kosovka Ognjenović
    8. Digital Skills as Underlying Competencies of Workforce in Serbia
      Aleksandra Bradić-Martinović, Jelena Banović
    9. Economic Development through Islamic Financing: The Case of Bosnia and Herzegovina
      Amela Trokić
    10. Public sector wage premium in serbia: comparison of linear regression and matching approach estimates
      Marko Vladisavljević
  • 14:00 - 15:00

    Ručak, koktel - Sala S1 (prvi sprat)


Međunarodni Programski odbor

  • Dr Olja Munitlak-Ivanović, Predsednik Programskog odbora, Institute of Economic Sciences, Serbia
  • Dr Isidora Ljumović, Institute of Economic Sciences, Serbia
  • Dr Aleksandra Bradić-Martinović, Institute of Economic Sciences, Serbia
  • Dr Donatella Privitera, University of Catania, Italy
  • Dr Domenico Nicolò, University Mediterranea of Reggio Calabria, Italy
  • Dr Aniela Balacescu, Constantin Brâncuşi University of Târgu Jiu, Romania
  • Dr Diego Begalli, University of Verona, Italy
  • Dr Ignacio De Los Ríos Carmenado, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
  • Dr Mihai Mieila, Valahia University of Targoviste, Romania
  • Dr Mirela Panait, Petroleum - Gas University of Ploiesti, Romania
  • Dr Diego Begalli, University of Verona, Italy
  • Dr Dubravka Jurlina-Alibegović, Institute of Economics, Croatia
  • Dr Spasoje Tuševljak, University of Eastern Sarajevo, B&H
  • Dr Rochdi Feki, Sfax Business School, University of Sfax, Tunisia
  • Dr Nouri Chtourou, Faculty of Economics and Management, University of Sfax, Tunisia
  • Dr Nadia Abaoub Ouertani, Ecole Supériure de Commerce, Université de Manouba, Tunisia
  • Dr Andrea Éltető, Institute of World Economics in Budapest, Hungary

Nacionalni Programski odbor

  • Dr Dejan Petrović, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Belgrade
  • Dr Igor Mladenović, Faculty of Economics, University of Niš
  • Dr Aleksandar Grubor, Faculty of Economics in Subotica, University of Novi Sad
  • Dr Srđan Marinković, Faculty of Economics, University of Niš
  • Dr Jonel Subić, Institute of Agricultural Economics, Belgrade
  • Dr Marija Kostić, Faculty of Hotel Management and Tourism in Vrnjačka Banja, University of Kragujevac
  • Dr Hasan Hanić, Belgrade Banking Academy, Belgrade
  • Dr Jelena Kočović,  Faculty of Economic, Belgrade
  • Dr Nataša Petrović, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Belgrade
  • Dr Vladimir Obradović, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Belgrade
  • Dr Marina Djordjević, Faculty of Economics, University of Niš
  • Dr Nataša Golubović, Faculty of Economics, University of Niš
  • Dr Vladimir Marjanović, Faculty of Economics, University of Niš
  • Dr Marija Petrović-Ranđelović, Faculty of Economics, University of Niš
  • Dr Pere Tumbas, Faculty of Economics in Subotica, University of Novi Sad
  • Dr Komazec Ljubica, Faculty of Economics in Subotica, University of Novi Sad
  • Dr Nataša Kljajić, Institute of Agricultural Economics, Belgrade
  • Dr Boris Kuzman, Institute of Agricultural Economics, Belgrade
  • Dr Slobodan Popović, Faculty of Economics and Engineering Management, University Business Academy, Novi Sad
  • Dr Ljiljana Arsić, Faculty of Economics, University of Priština, Kosovska Mitrovica
  • Dr Aleksandra Tošović-Stevanović, Graduate School of Business Studies John Naisbith, Belgrade
  • Dr Vladan Pavlović, Faculty of Economics, University of Priština, Kosovska Mitrovica
  • Dr Goranka Knežević, Faculty of Business, Singidunum University, Belgrade
  • Dr Aleksandra Mitrović, Faculty of Hotel Management and Tourism in Vrnjačka Banja, University of Kragujevac
  • Dr Tanja Stanišić, Faculty of Hotel Management and Tourism in Vrnjačka Banja, University of Kragujevac
  • Dr Sanja Popović-Pantić, Institute Mihajlo Pupin, Belgrade and Association of Business Women
  • Dr Marijana Joksimović, Graduate School of Business Studies John Naisbith, Belgrade
  • Dr Jovan Njegić, Novi Sad Business School, Novi Sad
  • Dr Sonja Đuričin, Institute of Economic Sciences, Belgrade
  • Dr Jelena Minović, Institute of Economic Sciences, Belgrade

Organizacioni odbor




SESIJA I - Green Growth and the Environment: Ecological Pillar

Moderator: Olja Munitlak-Ivanović

SESIJA II - Green Growth and Vulnerability: Economic Pillar

Moderator: Isidora Ljumović

SESIJA III - Social Challenges of Unequal Growth: Social Pillar

Moderator: Aleksandra Bradić-Martinović

Foto galerija