Početak rada u IEN 2010. godine
Vladisavljević, M., Zubović, J., Jovanović, O., Đukić, M., Najdovska, N. T., Pula, E., Gligorić, D., & Gjika, A. (2022). Tobacco tax evasion in Western Balkan countries: tax evasion prevalence and evasion determinants. Tobacco control. vol. 31, Issue Suppl 2. str. 80-87, ISSN: 0964-4563, Dostupno na: https://tobaccocontrol.bmj.com/content/tobaccocontrol/early/2022/01/11/tobaccocontrol-2021-056879.full.pdf?ijkey=8rSftRVSeM0Pdnk&keytype=ref
Vladisavljević, M., Đukić, M., Jovanović, O., Zubović, J. (2022). How do prices of manufactured cigarettes and roll-your-own tobacco affect demand for these products?: Tobacco price elasticity in Western Balkan countries. Tobacco control. vol. 31, Issue Suppl 2. str. 110—117, ISSN: 0964-4563. Dostupno na: https://tobaccocontrol.bmj.com/content/tobaccocontrol/early/2022/02/21/tobaccocontrol-2021-056847.full.pdf
Vladisavljević, M., Zubović, J., Đukić, M., Jovanović, O. (2020). Tobacco price elasticity in Serbia: evidence from a middle-income country with high prevalence and low tobacco prices. Tobacco control. vol. 29, no. 5, str. 331-336, ISSN: 0964-4563. Dostupno na: https://tobaccocontrol.bmj.com/content/tobaccocontrol/29/Suppl_5/s331.full.pdf
Vladisavljević, M., Zubović, J., Đukić, M., Jovanović, O. (2021). Inequality-Reducing Effects of Tobacco Tax Increase - Accounting for Behavioral Response of Low-, Middle-, and High-Income Households in Serbia. International journal of environmental research and public health, vol. 18, no. 18. str. 9494, ISSN: 1660-4601. Dostupno na: https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/18/18/9494
Zubović, J., Đukić, M., Jovanović, O. (2020). Ekonomski aspekti kontrole duvana i empirijski nalazi u Srbiji. Beograd: Institut ekonomskih nauka, str. 268, ISBN: 978-86-89465-52-5. https://www.library.ien.bg.ac.rs/index.php/monog/article/view/1284/1091.
Đukić, M., Bodroža, D. (2022). Diaspora contribution to the economic development of the Republic of Serbia: remittances and investments, u: Redžepagić, S. i ostali (ur.), Economic and Financial Implications of Covid-19 Crises, str. 181-199, izdavači: Université Côte d'Azur, Nica, Francuska. ISBN: 978-2-493478-00-9
Marjanović, D., Đukić, M. (2020). Western Balkan Countries as an Attractive Investment Destination. Economic Analysis: journal of emerging economics, vol. 53, no. 2, str. 109-120. ISSN: 1821-2573. Dostupno na: https://www.library.ien.bg.ac.rs/index.php/ea/article/view/1302/1105
Jovanović, O., Zubović, J., Vladisavljević, M., Bodroža, D., Ljumović, I., Domazet, I., Đukić, M. (2018). Estimation of tobacco products price and income elasticity using aggregate data. Economic Analysis, vol. 51, br. 3/4, str. 81-94, ISSN: 1821-2573
Zdravković, A., Đukić, M., & Bradić-Martinović, A. (2017). Impact of FDI on unemployment in transition countries: Panel cointegration approach. Industrija, ISSN 0350-0373, 45(1), 161-174.
Sulikova, V., Djukic, M., Gazda, V., Horváth, D., & Kulhánek, L. (2015). Asymmetric impact of public debt on economic growth in selected EU countries. Ekonomicky Casopis, 63(9), 944-958., ISSN 0013-3035.
Engagement in Academic Achievements and Extracurricular Activities as Predictors of Life Satisfaction among High-school and University Students – SHINE, (2022-), naručilac: Fond za nauku Republike Srbije, član projektnog tima, vodeći partner: Fakultet organizacionih nauka
Social Stability in Serbia Challenged? Pandemics, Economic losses, Inequality and Policy Responses – INEQ RS, (2022), naručilac: Fond za nauku Republike Srbije, član projektnog tima
Evaluation of socio-economic effects of the social services and employability measures provided to vulnerable population groups in Serbia - Survey for module indicator 2, (2022-2023), naručilac: Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, “GIZ-Buro Belgrade
Western Balkans Youth Policy Lab (WBYPL), Development of Research on youth entrepreneurship, NEET employability, and youth career management skills in Serbia, (2021), naručilac: RCC, vodeći istraživač
Praćenje sprovođenja Nacionalne strategije za mlade, naručilac: Ministarstvo za omladinu i sport, Vlada Republike Srbije, (2020), rukovodilac projektnog tima IEN
Assessment of the current capacities and needs for the local economic development, (2019), naručilac: SKGO, član projektnog tima
The Programme of local initiatives for social inclusion and poverty reduction – Support to the development of innovative models for social inclusion – LIP 2, (2019), naručilac: SIPRU, član projektnog tima
Accelerating Progress on Effective Tobacco Tax Policies in Low-and Middle-Income Countries, naručilac: University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC), SAD, (2018-2022), član projektnog tima
Strategija ruralnog razvoja Grada Novog Sada za period 2018-2022, (2017), naručilac: Grad Novi Sad, član projektnog tima IEN
Regional Research Promotion Programme (RRPP), (2012-2017), naručilac: SDC, lokalni koordinator za Srbiju
Needs And Ways Of Small Economies To Increase International Competitiveness in the Post-Crises Global and EU Context, naručilac: Ministarstvo prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja Vlade Republike Srbije, Program bilateralne naučne saradnje - “Serbia – Slovenia, Science & Technology Cooperation, 2012-2013“, član projektnog tima IEN