Početak rada u IEN 2003. godine
Domazet, I. & Lazarević-Moravčević, M. (2022). Internet Marketing: Factor of Improving SME Business in Serbia. In: Navigating digital communication and challenges for organizations. Eds José Gabriel Andrade and Teresa Ruão. Hershey: IGI Global. Business Science Reference. pp. 202-222.
Simović, V. & Domazet, I. (2022) Identification of Opportunities as the Component of Digital Entrepreneurial Competences of University Students: A pilot study in Kuwait and Serbia. In: ICEEG 2022: 2022 6th International Conference on E-Commerce, E-Business and E-Government. Association for Computing Machinery, Plymouth, pp. 201-206.
Domazet, I., Marjanović, D. & Ahmetagić, D. (2022). The impact of high-tech products exports on economic growth – the case of Serbia, Bulgaria, Romania and Hungary. Ekonomika preduzeća, 70 (3-4):191-205.
Simović, V. & Domazet, I. (2021). An overview of the frameworks for measuring the digital competencies of college students: A European perspective. Stagnancy Issues and Change Initiatives for Global Education in the Digital Age. (Eds) Neimann T. et al. IGI Global Publishing House, Business Science Reference, Hershey, USA. pp. 259-283. doi:10.4018/978-1-7998-4993-3.ch012.
Domazet, I. et al. (2021). The Impact of Innovation Indicators on Increasing Exports of High Technology Products. Ekonomika preduzeća, 69 (1-2):31-40.
Domazet, I., & Simović, V. (2021). The Use of Google Analytics for Measuring Website Performance of Non-Formal Education Institution. In E. Idemudia (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Social and Organizational Dynamics in the Digital Era (pp. 483-498). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-8933-4.ch023.
Domazet I. (2018). Digital Transformation оf Business Portfolio through DCRM. In: Digital Transformation - New Challenges and Business Opportunities. Silver and Smith Publishers, London. pp. 214-235.
Domazet, I. (2018). Improving competitiveness and economic development through FDI. In: Developmental State and Millennium Development Goals: Country Experiences. World Scientific Publishing Co, India, pp. 169-189.
Domazet I, Lazić M, & Zubović J. (2018). Driving Factors of Serbian Competitiveness: Digital Economy and ICT. Strategic Management 23(1): 20-28.
Domazet I. et al (2018). The Influence of Advertising Media on Brand Awareness (2018) Management: Journal of Sustainable Business and Management Solutions in Emerging Economies, 23(1):12-22.
Remote Work Capacity Building - Empowering Digital Transformation for Physically Disabled People. Naručilac: Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences, 2023-2024.
Digital Entrepreneurial Competencies of the Students in Serbia and Kuwait, Naručilac: Australian College of Kuwait, 2021-2022.
Izazovi i perspektive strukturnih promena u Srbiji: strateški pravci ekonomskog usklađivanja sa zahtevima EU. Naručilac: Ministarstvo prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja Republike Srbije, 2011-2019.
Evropske integracije i društveno-ekonomske promene privrede Srbije na putu ka EU. Naručilac: Ministarstvo prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja Republike Srbije, 2011-2019.
Strategija razvoja nacionalnog brenda Crne Gore za period 2019-2022. Naručilac: Ministarstvo ekonomije Crne Gore, 2018.
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PERFORM Helvetas program „Implementacija pilot inicijativa za kreiranje javnih politika zasnovanih na dokazima”, projekat “Istraživanje tržišta posleprodajnih usluga”. Naručilac: PERFORM Helvetas Švajcarska u saradnji sa Švajcarskom agencijom za razvoj i saradnju (SDC) i Republičkim sekretarijatom za javne politike, 2016.
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Izgradnja i pozicioniranje nacionalnog brenda Srbije. Naručilac: Ministarstvo trgovine i usluga Republike Srbije, 2010-2011.