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Др Александар Здравковић

Др Александар Здравковић

Научни сарадник

област научноистраживачког рада

  • Јавне финансије
  • Макроекономија
  • Економске анализе и политике
  • Анализа панел података


  • докторат/докторске 2019 / Универзитет Унион, Београдска банкарска академија - факултет за банкарство, осигурање и финансије
  • мастер/магистарске 2010 / Универзитет у Београду, Економски факултет
  • основне / Универзитет у Београду, Економски факултет

радно искуство

  • 2020 - данас / Институт економских наука, Београд
  • 2018 - 2020 / Београдска банкарска академија - факултет за банкарство, осигурање и финансије, Београд
  • 2013 / Међународни монетарни фонд, Вашингтон
  • 2011 / Међународни центар за промоцију предузећа, Љубљана
  • 2007 - 2018 / Институт економских наука, Београд

референтна библиографија

Petrović-Ranđelović, M., Mitić, P., Zdravković, A., Cvetanović, D., Cvetanović, S. (2020). Economic Growth and Carbon Emissions: Evidence from CIVETS Countries. Applied Economics. vol. 52(16), pp. 1806-1815.

Malović, M., Özer, M., Zdravković, A. (2019). Misunderstanding of FDI in Western Balkans: Cart before the Horse and Wheels without Suspension. Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies. vol. 21(4), pp. 462-477.

Jeločnik, M., Zubović, J., Zdravković, A. (2019). Estimating impact of weather factors on wheat yields by using panel model approach: The case of Serbia. Agricultural water management, vol. 221, pp. 493-501.

Grubišić, Z., Kamenković, S., Zdravković, A. (2018). Impact of government balance and exchange rate regime on current account during the economic cycle: evidence from CEE countries. Zbornik radova Ekonomskog fakulteta u Rijeci, vol. 36(1), pp. 307-334.

Mitić, P., Munitlak Ivanović, O., Zdravković, A. (2017). A Cointegration Analysis of Real GDP and CO2 Emissions in Transitional Countries. Sustainability, vol. 9(4), pp. 568-586.

Malović, M., Zdravković, A. (2017) Export-led growth of a small open economy in the post-globalised world. The State and the Market in Economic Development: in Pursuit of Millennium Development Goals. Brisbane, Australia: The International Institute for Development Studies, 2017, pp. 30-44.

Zdravković, A., Đukić, M., Bradić-Martinović, A. (2017) An Impact of FDI on Unemployment in Transition Countries: Panel Cointegration Approach. Industrija vol. 45(1), pp. 161-174.

Zdravković, A. (2014) Stochastic approach to debt sustainability analysis applied to Serbia. Economic integrations, competition and cooperation. Rijeka: Faculty of Economics, pp. 606-619.

Zdravković, A., Zubović, J., Bradić-Martinović, A. (2013). Fiscal Reaction Function: Evidences from CESEE countries. Industrija vol. 41(4). pp. 7-22.

Zdravković, A., Domazet, I., Nikitović, V., (2012). Influence of Demographic Aging on Public Finance Sustainability in Serbia. Stanovništvo, vol. 50(21), pp. 19-44.

релевантни пројекти

2022 – 2023: Accelerating Progress on Effective Tobacco Tax Policies in Low- and Middle-Income Countries, University of Illinois Chicago & Bloomberg Philanthropies.

2022 – 2023: Support to Planning, Programming and Coordination Related to EU and Other Financial Assistance (PPF10), European Commission.

2022: Contemporary Economic and Financial Trends analysis, UNDP

2018 – 2022: Support to IPA Programming, Training and Project Preparation (PPF7), European Commission.

2020 – 2021: Transparency Initiative for the Western Balkans - Focus on COVID19 and Recovery Spending, World Bank.

2019 – 2020: Support to Public Administration Reform under the PAR Sector Reform Contract, European Commission.

2018 – 2019: Evaluation and Monitoring of the Sector Reforms Contract for Public Administration Reform and Public Finance Management, European Commission

2017 – 2019: Presentations on Macroeconomic Research at the Request of the National Bank of Serbia, National Bank of Serbia

2015 – 2017: Strengthening and Widening the European Infrastructure for Social Science Data Archives, European Commission (H2020)

2017: Public Finance Reform, Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).