Početak rada u IEN 2021. godine
Zubović, J., Nedeljković, B. (2022). Extended cost-benefit analysis of tobacco taxation: The case of Serbia. International Scientific Conference “Applied Economics Conference: Labour, Health, Education and Welfare”. Institut ekonomskih nauka, Beograd, 22–23. septembar. Knjiga rezimea (str. 31). ISBN 978-86-89465-69-3
Nedeljković B., Tucaković, L. (2022). Understanding “evil”: A closer look at the Dark Tetrad’s relations with HEXACO and Big Five. Zbornik Instituta za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanja, 41 (2-3), 67-88. doi.org/10.47152/ziksi2022035
Tucaković, L., & Nedeljković, B. (2022). Personality and Affective Correlates of Openness to Experience from Big Five and HEXACO Personality Models: The Dual Nature of Big Five Openness. Journal of Personality Assessment, 1-11. doi.org/10.1080/00223891.2022.2117047
Denić I., Nedeljković, B. (2022). Job satisfaction predictors in employees forced to work from home due to the Covid-19. XXVIII Scientific conference “Empirical Studies in Psychology”. Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, 1–3 Apr. Book of Abstracts (p. 96-97). ISBN 978-86-6427-199-8
Nedeljković B., Opačić, G. (2021). Self-concept differences among offenders, drug addicts, students and Mensa members. Proceedings of the XXVII Scientific conference “Empirical Studies in Psychology“. Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade (p. 36-38). ISBN 978-86-6427-198-1
Kilibarda, B., Nedeljković, B., Zubović, J. (2021). Problem Gambling and Type of Gambling in Serbia: The Role of Demographic and Psychosocial Factors. 13th International Scientific Conference “Labour, Health, Education and Welfare”. Institute of Economic Sciences, Belgrade, 28-29 October. Book of Abstracts, (p. 175-177). ISBN 978-86-89465-59-4
Accelerating Progress on Effective Tobacco Tax Policies in Low- and Middle- income Countries (2017-2023), finansiranog od strane Unverziteta Ilinois iz Čikaga, SAD, koji je ključni partner Blumberg inicijative za smanjenje upotrebe duvana i duvanskih proizvoda u periodu 2017–2023 godina.
COST akcija CA21118 - Platform Work Inclusion Living Lab (P-WILL), 2022-2026.