Although projections indicate a relatively mild and temporary decrease of Serbian GDP, the economic losses of different groups resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic are yet unknown and less easy to predict. Even before the pandemic, Serbia was characterized by high levels of inequality and poverty. Recent research confirms that vulnerable workers: informally employed, self-employed, low-wage earners, employees with non-permanent contracts, small business employees, as well as women and young people are at the highest risk to suffer from this economic downturn.
The project will use a state-of-the-art methodology which includes the analysis of different data sources and rigorous research methods to 1) identify the groups with the highest losses due to the epidemic, 2) analyze the effects on their labor market and inequality outcomes, and 3) provide a cost-benefit analysis of national programs implemented and suggest further evidence-based measures to mitigate the effects of the crisis caused by Covid-19.
The Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia funds INEQ RS Covid-19.
Further details about the project can be found in the document attached here.
Data available from the project you can find here.