Departman za digitalnu ekonomiju

Opis ciljeva/oblasti istraživanja departmana

Oblasti istraživanja Departmana za Digitalnu ekonomiju su dinamički postavljene oko istraživačkih tema kroz koje su članovi Departmana organizovani u manje naučno-istraživačke grupe (NIG-ove). Ovakav način organizacije aktivnosti na nivou Departmana, omogućava bolju fokusiranost i veću fleksibilnost istraživačkih timova.

Teme oko kojih su organizovani NIG-ovi na nivou Departmana su:

  • Digitalne preduzetničke kompetencije
  • Digitalizacija biznisa
  • FinTech
  • Remote work

Članovi departmana

Odabrani radovi

  1. Simović, V., Domazet, I., Bhagat, R., Sarhan, H., & Ivanovic, D. (2022, April). Identification of Opportunities as the Component of Digital Entrepreneurial Competences of University Students: A pilot study in Kuwait and Serbia. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on E-Commerce, E-Business and E-Government, University of Plymouth, United Kingdom (pp. 85-90).
  2. Lazić, M., Domazet, I., & Vukmirović, V. (2022). Global pandemic and digital marketing: Trends and perspectives. Marketing, 53(2), 143-152.
  3. Domazet, I. S., & Lazarević-Moravčević, M. (2022). Internet Marketing: Factor of Improving SME Business in Serbia. In Navigating digital communication and challenges for organizations (pp. 202-222). IGI Global.
  4. Simović, V. M., & Domazet, I. S. (2021). An Overview of the Frameworks for Measuring the Digital Competencies of College Students: A European Perspective. In Stagnancy Issues and Change Initiatives for Global Education in the Digital Age. (Ed.) Neimann, al. IGI Global Publishing House, Business Science Reference, Hershey, USA. USA. pp. 259-282.
  5. Domazet, I, & Simović, V. (2020). The use of Google Analytics for measuring website performance of non-formal education institution. In: Handbook of research on social and organizational dynamics in the digital era. (Ed.) Idemudia E. IGI Global Publishing House, Business Science Reference, Hershey, USA, pp. 483-498.
  6. Lazić, M., Jovanović, O., & Lazarević, M. (2021). Women’s Entrepreneurship in the Wake of the Covid19 Crisis: The Case of Serbia. Journal of Women's Entrepreneurship and Education, (1-2), 56-69.
  7. Ivanović, D., Simović, V., Domazet, I., & Antonijević, M. (2021). Average Matching Levels for Two DigComp Competence Areas of the Female Entrepreneurs in Serbia. JWEE, (3-4), 42-60.
  8. Ivanović, Đ., & Antonijević, M. (2020). The Role of Online Shopping in the Republic of Serbia During COVID-19. Economic Analysis, 53(1), 28-41.
  9. Vukmirović, V., Kostić-Stanković, M., & Domazet, I. (2020). Influencers as a Segment of Digital Marketing Communication-Generation Y Attitudes. Marketing, 51(2):98-107.
  10. Domazet, I., Zubović, J., & Lazić, M. (2018). Driving Factors of Serbian Competitiveness – Digital Economy and ICT. Strategic management, 23(1), 20-28.

Odabrani projekti

  1. Digital Entrepreneurial Competences Online Assessment Tool, Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences, 2022-2023.
  2. COST Action CA19130 - Fintech and Artificial Intelligence in Finance - Towards a transparent financial industry, 2020-2024.
  3. Digital Entrepreneurial Competences of the Students in Serbia and Kuwait, Australian College of Kuwait, 2021-2022.
  4. CESSDA (Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives), 2018-2022.
  5. Izrada strategije razvoja nacionalnog brenda Crne Gore za period 2019-2022.
  6. HELVETAS Performing and Responsive Social Sciences projekat „Implementacija pilot inicijativa za kreiranje javnih politika zasnovanih na dokazima”, 2016-2018
  7. PERFORM projekat (Performing and Responsive Social Sciences program) „Saradnja privrede i nauke”, 2017.