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Aida Hanić, PhD

Aida Hanić, PhD

Research Associate

research field

  • Environment Protection
  • Islamic Banking and Finance
  • Corporative Social Responsibility


  • PhD 2021 – / Business, Tempus project with the University of Vienna and University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business, University of Sarajevo
  • master 2012 / School of Economics and Business, University of Sarajevo
  • undergraduate 2010 / School of Economics and Business, the University of Sarajevo Bosnia and Herzegovina

professional record

  • 2015 – 2015 Belgrade Banking Academy, Belgrade
  • 2012 – Institute of Economic Sciences, Belgrade

reference bibliography

Kojić, M., Schlüter, S., Mitić, P., & Hanić, A. (2022). Economy-environment nexus in developed European countries: Evidence from multifractal and wavelet analysis. Chaos, Solitons &Amp; Fractals, 160, 112189.

Schlüter, S., Menz, F., Kojić, M., Mitić, P., & Hanić, A. (2022). A Novel Approach to Generate Hourly Photovoltaic Power Scenarios. Sustainability, 14(8), 4617.

Mitić, P., Hanić, A., Kojić, M., & Schlüter, S. (2022). Environment and Economy Interactions in the Western Balkans: Current Situation and Prospects. In: Tufek-Memišević, T., Arslanagić-Kalajdžić, M., Ademović, N. (eds) Interdisciplinary Advances in Sustainable Development. ICSD 2022. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 529. Springer, Cham.

Hanic, A., & Smolo, E. (2022). Islamic approach to corporate social responsibility: an international model for Islamic banks. International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management, 16(1), 175–191.

Hanić, A., & Mitić, P. (2022). Pandemics and Climate Change: Climate Black Swans. In: Economic and Financial Implications of Covid-19 Crises. Université Côte d'Azur, Nica, pp. 313-336.

Hanić, A., Jovanović, O., & Stevanović, S. (2021). Environmental disclosure practice in the Serbian banking sector. Management, 26(2), 115–144.

Videnović, S., Hanić, A., & Sućeska, A. (2021). Ethically relevant values and behavior of employees in Serbia during the COVID-19. Teme, 14 (3), 821-842.

Ljumović, I., Hanić, A., & Kovačević, V. (2021). The role of reward-based crowdfunding in farm financing: What characterises successful campaign? Ekonomika Poljoprivrede, 68(3), 773–788.

Hanić, A., & Efendic, V. (2020). Islamic Approach to Corporate Social Responsibility in Scientific Research with CSR Overview in Banking Sector of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Islamic Finance Practices, 41–76.

Stevanović, S., Jovanović, O., & Hanić, A. (2019). Environmental and Financial Performance: Review of Selected Studies. Economic Analysis, 52 (2), 113-127.

selected projects

2022-2022: “Subsidies for purchasing electric and hybrid vehicles” – SPARK, an internal project financed by the Institute of Economic Sciences, Belgrade. Engagement: team member

2020-2020: “Black Swan in the World Economy 2020 – COVID-19”, an internal project financed by the Institute of Economic Sciences, Belgrade. Engagement: team leader.

2018-2019: “Analysis of economic instruments for environmental financing in the territory of the City of Novi Sad with a proposal for their improvement», City of Novi Sad, City Administration for Environmental Protection. Engagement: team member.

2017-2018: “Analysis of legal and economic aspects of the “polluter pays principle” (environmental protection) with a comparative overview of policies in the EU, Serbia, and selected countries“, City of Novi Sad, City Administration for Environmental Protection. Engagement: team member.

2017-2017: “Economic aspects of the implementation of sensory gardens in preschool institutions in Serbia“, an internal project financed by the Institute of Economic Sciences, Belgrade. Engagement: team leader.

2012-2019: “European integrations and social and economic changes in the Serbian economy on the way to the EU“ – 47009, financed by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia. Engagement: team member.

2012-2019: “Challenges and prospects of structural changes in Serbia: Strategic directions for economic development and harmonization with EU requirements“ – 179015, financed by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia. Engagement: team member.