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Tobacco Taxation in Eastern Europe

Tobacco Taxation in Eastern Europe

Team coordinator of the Institute of Economic Sciences: Jovan Zubović, PhD

Duration: 2024-


From 2024, the Institute of Economic Sciences participates in the realization of the international project "Tobacco Taxation in Eastern Europe" funded by the Bloomberg Initiative to Reduce Tobacco Use, and coordinated by the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (ger. Wiener Institut für internationale Wirtschaftsvergleiche – WIIW). The goal of the project is to provide scientific knowledge and results that will enable the creation of public policy recommendations based on research data aimed at improving the policy of tobacco product taxation in the Republic of Serbia. Activities on the project are primarily focused on basic research, with three research topics being carried out during 2024. The first research topic addresses the elasticity of smoking initiation among youth in the Republic of Serbia. The second research topic includes the analysis of time-varying price and income elasticities of demand for tobacco products. The third research topic analyzes the implementation of policies to control the use of tobacco products in the Republic of Serbia in the period from 2018 to 2023, as well as the most important indicators of the use of tobacco products.

Alongside the Institute of Economic Sciences, the project includes research institutions from Bulgaria, Romania, Poland, Turkey, Ukraine and Georgia.

The team members are: Jovan Zubović, Ph.D. (project coordinator), Aleksandar Zdravković, Ph.D., Olivera Jovanović, Ph.D., Valentina Vukmirović, Ph.D., Boban Nedeljković, MA.

The project "Tobacco Taxation in Eastern Europe" is implemented as a continuation of the important international project "Accelerating Progress on Effective Tobacco Tax Policies in Low- and Middle-Income Countries" (2017-2023) which was coordinated by the University of Illinois Chicago, USA. The Institute of Economic Sciences has been a member of the consortium since 2017.

In the previous project cycle (2017-2023), research focused on assessing the price and income elasticity of demand for tobacco products in the Western Balkans, the non-price determinants of demand for tobacco products in the Western Balkans, and the analysis of the effects of taxation on government revenues, household expenditures, and health costs associated with smoking in the Republic of Serbia. The Institute of Economic Sciences, in addition to its research role, also served as the coordinator for all Western Balkan economies participating in the project.

The outputs of the project so far can be seen here: