Team coordinator of the Institute of Economic Sciences: Valentina Vukmirović, PhD
Duration of the project: 2022-2026
The platform economy (PE) has accelerated following the COVID-19 outbreak. Although several PE models exist, the PE predominant model is mostly characterised by poor working conditions, low pay, lack of social protection for workers, and increasing gender, racial and socioeconomic inequalities.
The main objective of the Platform Work Inclusion Living Lab (P-WILL) is to build a pan-European interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary multistakeholder network including policymakers, industry leaders, civil society organisations, designers, researchers, and the main initiatives happening at the international level, to foster the upsurge of alternative scenarios in the frame of platform work.
P-WILL promotes the PE intersectional gender perspective and inclusion through increased well-being, economic justice, and rights for the traditionally excluded collectives (TEC) while aligning the PE with The EU Pillar of Social Rights and SDGs.
The aims of P-WILL are: