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Olivera Jovanović, PhD

Jovanović Olivera, PhD

Research Associate

research field

  • Health Economics
  • Agricultural Economics
  • Entrepreneurship and Small and Medium Enterprises


  • PhD 2021 / Faculty of Economics, University of Belgrade
  • Master 2012 / Faculty of Economics, University of Belgrade
  • Undergraduate 2010 / Faculty of Economics, University of Belgrade

professional record

  • 2013 - / Institute of Economic Sciences, Belgrade

reference bibliography

Zubović Jovan, Zdravković Aleksandar, Jovanović Olivera, Đukić Mihajlo, Vladisavljević Marko. (2023). Affordability of cigarettes in ten Southeastern European countries between 2008 and 2019. Tobacco control, online first, s1-s9.

Vladisavljević Marko, Zubović Jovan, Jovanović Olivera, Đukić Mihajlo. (2023). Crowding-out effect of tobacco consumption in Serbia. Tobacco control, online first, s1-s7.

Vladisavljević Marko, Đukić Mihajlo, Jovanović Olivera, Zubović Jovan (2022). How do prices of manufactured cigarettes and roll-your-own tobacco affect demand for these products? Tobacco price elasticity in Western Balkan countries. Tobacco Control, no. 31, pp. 110 - 117.

Zubović Jovan, Zdravković Aleksandar, Jovanović Olivera (2022). Smoking patterns during COVID-19: Evidence from Serbia. Tobacco induced diseases, 51.

Vladisavljević Marko, Zubović Jovan, Jovanović Olivera, Đukić Mihajlo, Trajkova Najdovska Nataša, Pula Ereza, Gligorić Dragan, Gjika Aida (2022). Tobacco tax evasion in Western Balkan countries: tax evasion prevalence and evasion determinants. Tobacco control, no. 31. pp. 80 – 87.

Jovanović Olivera, Zubović Jovan (2022). Qualitative Evaluation of Financing Programs in Agricultural Sector in Serbia. In: / II international scientific conference Sustainable agriculture and rural development, February 2022, Belgrade. Institute of Agricultural Economics, Belgrade, pp. 111-120.

Vladisavljević Marko, Zubović Jovan, Đukić Mihajlo, Jovanović Olivera (2021). Inequality-Reducing Effects of Tobacco Tax Increase: Accounting for Behavioral Response of Low-, Middle-, and High-Income Households in Serbia. International journal of environmental research and public health, vol. 18, no. 18, 9494.

Zubović Jovan, Zdravković Aleksandar, Jovanović Olivera (2021). Intentions to Smoking Cessation in the Time of COVID-19: Evidence from Serbia. Economic Analysis: journal of emerging economics, vol. 54, no. 1, pp. 13-23.

Zubović Jovan, Jovanović Olivera (2021). Incentives in Agricultural Production as a Way to Improve Food Security : Theoretical and Empirical Analysis for Serbia. У: EROKHIN, Vasilii (ур.), TIANMING, Gao (ур.), VASILE, Andrei Jean (ур.). Shifting Patterns of Agricultural Trade : The Protectionism Outbreak and Food Security. Singapore: Springer, 2021. pp. 373-392

Vladisavljević Marko, Zubović Jovan, Đukić Mihajlo, Jovanović Olivera (2020). Tobacco price elasticity in Serbia: evidence from a middle-income country with high prevalence and low tobacco prices. Tobacco control, vol. 29, no. 5, pp. 331-336.

selected projects

Accelerating Progress on Effective Tobacco Tax Policies in Low- and Middle-income Countries (2018-2023), financed by University Illinois in Chicago.

Study on the compliance by Member States on the time needed to get licences and permits to take up and perform the specific activity of an enterprise as from beginning of 2014. Panteia Research to Progress, Netherlands i Centre for Strategy and Evaluation Services, United Kingdom. Client: European Commission.

Collection and analysis of statistical data on Women entrepreneurs (2014). Panteia Research to Progress Netherlands, Client: DG Enterprises and Industry of the European Commission.

Feasibility study for the creating of an e-platform for Women entrepreneurs (2014). KMU Forschung Austria, Austrian Institute for SME Research, Client: DG Enterprises and Industry of the European Commission.

Challenges and Prospects of Structural Changes in Serbia: Strategic Direction of Economic Development and Harmonization with the EU Requirements. Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of Serbia. 2011 – 2019.

Modern biotechnological approach to solving the problem of drought in Serbian agriculture - Economic consequences of drought on agricultural production and competitiveness of products on the market. Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of Serbia. 2011 – 2019.