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Isidora Ljumović, PhD

Isidora Ljumović, PhD

Principal Research Fellow

research field:

  • Entrepreneurial Financing
  • Innovative Sources of Finance
  • Banking Systems


  • PhD, 2011 / Faculty of Economics, University of Niš
  • Master of Economic Sciences, 2007 / Faculty of Business Studies, Megatrend University
  • Graduated in Economics, 2004 / Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Belgrade

professional record:

  • Institute of Economic Sciences, Belgrade 2015-
  • Economic Institute, Belgrade 2012-2015
  • Faculty of Business Studies, Magarend University, Belgrade 2004-2012

reference bibliography

Ljumović, I., Pavlović, V., & Knežević, G. (2021). Financing agri-food business in the Mediterranean area through crowdfunding: Do environmental issues matter?. New Medit, (3), 101-117.

Ljumović, I., Lečovski-Milojkić, I. (2020). Economic aspects of organic agricultural production. Belgrade: Institute of Economic Sciences.

Ljumović, I., Hanić, A., & Kovačević, V. (2021). The Role of Reward-Based Crowdfunding in Farm Financing: What Characterises Successful Campaign?. Economics of agriculture, 68(3), 773-788.

Ljumović, I., & Jakšić, K. (2020). Percepcija kvaliteta bankarskih usluga na severu Autonomne Pokrajine Kosovo i Metohija. Proceedings of Matica Srpska for Social Sciences, 71(175), 373-389.

Ljumović, I., & Pavlović, D. (2021). Expanding Financial Inclusion for Youth: Does Digitalization Matter? In Finance, Innovation and Technology : new models and structures, ed Ljumović, I. (ур.), Gigov- Stančev, I. Skopje: Institute of Economics - Ss. Cyril & Methodius University, 23-43.

Glomazić, H., Ljumović, I., & Jakšić, K. (2020). The role of formal entrepreneurship education in creating a new generation of entrepreneurs. Andragogic studies 20/1, 127-146.

Stevanovic, S., Minovic, J., & Ljumovic, I. (2019). Liquidity profitability trade-off: Evidence from medium enterprises. Management: Journal of Sustainable Business and Management Solutions in Emerging Economies, 24(3), 71-81.

Ljumović, I. (2016). Financial risk, uncertainty and crisis. Belgrade: Institute of Economic Sciences.

Ljumović, I., Lečovski-Milojkić, I., & Obradović, V. (2020). What Drives Private Equity and Venture Capital in Central and Eastern Europe Countries: Focus on Serbia. Economic Analysis: Applied Research in Emerging Markets, 53(1), 133-148.

selected projects:

Contemporary Economic and Financial Trends analysis (2022), ordered by: United Nations Development Programme, team member.

Analysis of value chains in the Western Balkans economies - Enriching potential for the regional cooperation in priority areas (2021), ordered by: The Joint Research Centre (JRS), European Commission, realizovan u saradnji sa The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies, coordinator.

Organizational and information support to the quality management system as a key factor in increasing the competitiveness of our companies and their faster entry into the global and EU markets (2010-2019), ordered by: Ministry of Science of the Republic of Serbia, team member.

Analysis of economic instruments for financing the environment in the territory of the City of Novi Sad with a proposal for their improvement (2019), ordered by: City of Novi Sad, City Administration for Environmental Protection, team member.

Analysis of legal and economic aspects of the application of the principle of "polluter pays" (environmental protection fees) with a comparative overview of policies in the EU, Serbia and selected countries (2018), ordered by: City of Novi Sad, City Administration for Environmental Protection, prinicpal investigator.