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Elena Jovičić, PhD

Elena Jovičić

Research Associate

research field

  • International economic relations
  • International trade
  • Competitiveness of the national economy
  • China-CEEC economic relations
  • Tourism


  • PhD 2017 / The University of Economics, Prague (Czech Republic), Faculty of International Relations
  • master 2009 / The University of Economics, Prague (Czech Republic), Faculty of International Relations
  • bachelor 2006 / The University of Economics, Prague (Czech Republic), Faculty of International Relations

professional record

  • 2009 - / Institute of Economic Sciences, Belgrade

reference bibliography

Jovičić, E. (2022). Dualna cirkulacija i sistemske promene spoljne i unutrašnje trgovine NR Kine, u Zakić, K., Stekić, N. (ur.): Kineski razvojni izazovi: promene i projekcije, str. 173-200.

Jovičić, E. & Stojanović, D. (2022). Key Features and Challenges of the China-Western Balkan Countries Merchandise Trade Development. Economic Analysis: journal of emerging economics; Vol. 55, No.2, pp. 79-90.

Stojanović, D., Jovičić, E. & Stanisavljević, N. (2022). The Role and Significance of Chinese Investments in the Modernization of Railway Infrastructure in Serbia. In: Opportunities and Challenges for Multinational Enterprises and Foreign Direct Investment in the Belt and Road Initiative, IGI Global, pp. 194-216.

Pavlović, D., Bjelica, D., Bodroža, D., Jovičić, E. & Pindžo, R. (2022). Women’s Economic Empowerment through Tourism: A Case Study of Selected Western Balkans Countries, Journal of Women's Entrepreneurship and Education, No. 3-4, pp. 149-175.

Jovičić, E. & Marjanović, D. (2022). Perspectives on the strengthening of the Serbian export competitiveness in the post-covid period. In: XII International Symposium Engineering Management and Competitiveness - EMC 2022, Technical faculty “Mihajlo Pupin”, Zrenjanin, pp. 220-224.

Marjanović, D., Jovičić, E. & Stojanović, D. (2021). The global distribution of Chinese Investments – importance for the economy of Serbia. Ekonomika, Vol. 67, No. 1, str. 43-55.

Beraha, I. & Jovičić, E. (2021). Uticaj pandemije COVID-19 na spoljnotrgovinsku razmenu između Kine i zemalja Zapadnog Balkana, u Marjanović, D., Jovičić, E. (ur.) Makroekonomska stabilnost i unapređenje konkurentnosti zemalja Zapadnog Balkana, Institut ekonomskih nauka, str. 107-123.

Jovičić, E. & Ljumović, I. (2021). Determinants of trade flows between Serbia and the Russian Federation: Evidence from the 21st century, “The 18th International Conference „Evolution of International Trading System: Prospects and Challenges“, dedicated to the 120th anniversary of Professor Sergei I. Tulpanov, 14-17. april 2021, organized by Faculty of Economics, Saint-Petersburg University, Sankt Peterburg, Russian Federation, pp. 735-741.

Jovičić, E., Stevanović, S. & Beraha, I. (2020). Serbia-China Bilateral Trade Relations: Major Challenges and Opportunities, Economic Analysis: journal of emerging economics, Vol. 53, No. 2, 2020, pp. 133-144.

Radović-Marković, M., Pavlović, D. & Jovičić, E. (2019). Women Empowerment through Tourism in Serbia, Приложна психология и социална практика, Варненски свободен унив. "Черноризец Храбър", 2019, str. 19-27.

selected projects

COST Action CA18215 - "China In Europe Research Network" (CHERN), (COST Management Committee member), 2019/2023.

“Analysis of value chains in the Western Balkan economies – Enriching the potential for regional cooperation in priority areas”, The Joint Research Centre (JRS) European Commission, 2021.

“European Integrations and Socio-Economic changes in the economy of Serbia on the way to the EU”, No. 47009, Ministry of Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, 2010/2019.

“Challenges and prospects of structural changes in Serbia: strategic directions for economic development and harmonization with EU requirements”, No. 179015, Ministry of Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, 2010/2019.

“Survey of Serbia”, OECD, 2010.

“Establishment & Positioning of National Brand of Serbia”, Ministry of Trade and Services of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, 2009.

“The Integration of Serbian Economy into the European Union - planning and financing of regional and rural development and enterprise development policy”, No. 159004, Ministry of Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, 2009.