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The Right to Digital Platform Work: Is Everybody Welcome on Board? Conference held at IES

The Right to Digital Platform Work: Is Everybody Welcome on Board? Conference held at IES

The conference "The Right to Digital Platform Work: Is Everybody Welcome on Board?" was held in Belgrade on the 21st and 22nd of June, 2023, as a hybrid event. The conference was held under the auspices of COST Action CA21118 - Platform Work Inclusion Living Lab (P-WILL). It was organized jointly by the Institute of Economic Sciences and the Public Policy Research Centre. The event addressed the challenges and opportunities associated with digital platform work and explored ways to ensure fair and inclusive practices within this emerging sector.

The conference attracted diverse participants, including researchers, policymakers, and representatives from digital platform companies, trade unions, civil society organizations, and labor rights advocates. The diverse participants provided valuable perspectives and enriched the discussions throughout the event.

The work of 30 speakers was discussed in eight panels. Presentations encompassed various topics, including labor market dynamics, the economic impact of digital platforms, legal perspectives on platform work, and worker well-being. The conference concluded with a call for continued collaboration and collective action to address the challenges and opportunities arising from digital platform work. It was emphasized that ongoing research, policy dialogue, and stakeholder engagement are crucial for creating an inclusive and fair digital platform economy that benefits workers and society.