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Danijela Stojanović, PhD, Keynote Speaker at the Sixth International Scientific Conference on Digital Economy – DIEC 2023

Danijela Stojanović, PhD, Keynote Speaker at the Sixth International Scientific Conference on Digital Economy – DIEC 2023

Danijela Stojanović, PhD, research associate of the Institute of Economic Sciences in Belgrade, at the Sixth International Scientific Conference on the Digital Economy - DIEC 2023, held on August 25, 2023. year, was Keynote Speaker on the topic CROWD-BASED OPEN INNOVATION: MODELS, CHALLENGES, AND TRENDS.

The organizer of this international conference was the Higher education institution of contemporary business, information technology and market communications "International business-information academy" Tuzla (IPI Academy). Authors from Serbia, Slovenia, Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina presented their works at the conference.

DIEC is the first conference on the digital economy that was held in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and one of the first in the region that deals primarily with issues of the digital economy, information technologies and, in general, the impact of digital changes not only on economic, but also wider social processes.