Economic History and Theory Department

Description of the research objectives and areas of interest

The Economic History and Theory Department researches the development processes of the economy and economic systems, viewed in a broader social, political, and cultural context. Our research focuses on Serbia and the wider region from the 19th century to the present.

Department members also study economic and social theory, political economy, and macroeconomics to understand the challenges of modern economic systems, activities, and development implications on society, culture, environment, and economy of developing countries and formulate recommendations for modeling new system solutions.

Our team of experts collaborates with other departments of the Institute of Economic Sciences on developing joint projects, conferences, and round tables, as well as preparing and writing monographs, edited volumes, and individual research papers. We also organize lectures by experts in various fields from the country and abroad to problematize and promote or research topics to the wider audience.

Department members

Selected references

  1. Miljković, M. (2022). Kitchen without the Debate: The Yugoslav Exhibition of Consumer Goods in Moscow, 1960. Tokovi istorije: časopis Instituta za noviju istoriju Srbije, 3/2022, 119-144.
  2. Aleksić, V. (2021). From Affiliation to Nazification, The Political Destiny of a ‘Grossbank’ in Yugoslavia 1918-1945. Belgrade: Institute of Economic Sciences.
  3. Andric, V., & Nenadovic, S. (2021). Laplace, Hansen-Sargent and Beveridge-Nelson-a note towards unified business application. Serbian Journal of Management, 16 (1), 39-47.
  4. Cvetković, E. (2021). Novi oblici ekonomske saradnje sa inostranstvom i(li) samoupravljanje: Institucionalni okviri zajedničkih ulaganja u Jugoslaviji tokom 1967. i 1968. godine. [New forms of economic cooperation with foreign countries and (or) self-management: Institutional frameworks of joint ventures in Yugoslavia during 1967 and 1968] In Minović, J., Kočović De Santo, M., Matković, A. (eds.), Značaj institucionalnih promena u ekonomiji Srbije kroz istoriju [The importance of institutional changes in the economy of Serbia throughout history] (212-232). Beograd: Institut ekonomskih nauka.
  5. Kočović, M. Aleksić, V. (2020). Silk Production as a Silk Roads Imported Industrial Heritage to Europe: The Serbian Example. U Fatemeh Farnaz Arefian, Seyed Hossein Iradj Moeini (eds.) Urban Heritage Along the Silk Roads, A Contemporary Reading of Urban Transformation of Historic Cities in the Middle East and Beyond. Springer.
  6. Cvetković, E., Matković, A. (2020). Rađanje jedne istoriografije: nasleđe Komisije za ekonomsku istoriju Jugoslavije [The birth of a historiography: the legacy of the Commission for the Economic History of Yugoslavia]. In: Izazovi izučavanja ekonomske istorije u Srbiji [Challenges of studying economic history in Serbia]. (197-223). Beograd: Institut ekonomskih nauka.
  7. Miljković, M. (2019). Nuclear Yutopia: The Outcome of the First Nuclear Accident in Yugoslavia, 1958. U Marsha Siefert (ed.) Labor History in State Socialist Europe after 1945: Contributions to a History of Work, 273-306. Budapest: Central European University Press.
  8. Andric, V., Arsic, M., & Nojkovic, A. (2016). Public debt sustainability in Serbia before and during the global financial crisis. Economic Annals, XVI (210), 47-78.

Selected projects

  1. International reserch project „Transnational Families, Farms and Firms: Migrant Entrepreneurs in Kosovo and Serbia since the 1960s“ (TraFFF)“, led by Leibniz-Institut für Ost- und Südosteuropaforschung (IOS) from Regensburg
  2. Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) Research Consortium: Re-writing the Constitutional History of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), University of Southampton, Carnegie Corporation of New York (Dr. Marko Miljković, member of the research consortium 2020-2023)
  3. Project EPICA (Empowering Participation in Culture and Architecture), supported by the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia (Dr. Milica Kočović De Santo, member of the research team, 2020-2023)
  4. COST 19129, MC for Serbia, Decolonizing development, teaching, research practice (Dr. Milica Kočović De Santo, member of the research team, 2021-2022)
  5. Decolonizing Degrowth – beyond the Eurocentric Western nature of conceptualizations and movements, University of Łódź, Poland (Dr. Milica Kočović De Santo, member of the project team that emerged through networking from COST 19129, 2021-2022)
  6. Center for American Studies (Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade), Američka istorija u učionici: američki uticaji na popularnu kulturu i svakodnevicu u Srbiji (1918-1941) [American History in the Classroom: American Influences on Popular Culture and Everyday Life in Serbia (1918-1941)], (MA Emilija Cvetković, researcher and author of texts in the publication, October 1, 2021 – September 30, 2022)
  7. enter for American Studies (Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade), Američka istorija u učionici: amerikanizacija Srbije u hladnom ratu [American History in the Classroom: Americanization of Serbia during the Cold War], (MA Emilija Cvetković, researcher since October 1, 2022)
  8. Woodrow Wilson Center for Scholars, History and Public Policy Program, The Nuclear Proliferation International History Project, Carnegie Corporation of New York (Dr. Marko Miljković, active member of the international network of researchers since 2015)